Friends of SPL

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Who We Are:

Individuals, families, organizations and businesses who share an understanding of the unique role our public library serves in our community & are dedicated to supporting the SPL.


The Friends of the Sandwich Public Library Board of Directors:

President – Tammy McDevitt

Vice President – Pat McKean

Treasurer – Marian Gurney

Secretary – Diane Ranney

Joan Margeson

Lynn McDonald

Becky Milburn

Antonia Solitro

Heather Kissel Walsh

Gail Ravetz

Dianne Izzo

Carol Queenan

Lisa Hickey


Board meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at the library.

The meetings begin promptly at 10 a.m. and are open to the public.

 Friends Who We Are tab

What We Do:

We work closely with your beloved Librarians & Staff - providing over $50,000 annually to ensure they can implement the enriching programs and activities they work so hard to create for our entire community to enjoy.

Sometimes we fully fund the cost of a program/event and other times we provide the supplies, materials, music and/or snacks, but it’s the Friends’ financial support that makes these activities possible. In addition, we fund copiers, printers, furnishings, & devices available on loan or for use within our walls.

Our Programs:

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