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6 changes 2021 tax season Federal & MA Tax Info

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Forms Available at the Library

The IRS and the State provides the library with a limited number of forms and instruction booklets. We do not know ahead of time when we will receive a particular form, but this page will be updated as we receive materials. 

Forms and booklets that have arrived are available near the Reference Desk.

You can request any tax forms be printed out for 25 cents a page at the Reference Desk.

State Forms

  • Form 1 - the booklets with the form have arrived
  • Form 1-NR/PY - the booklets with the form have not arrived

Federal Forms

  • Form 1040 and Form 1040 SR - the forms have arrived
  • 1040 and 1040 SR instruction booklets - the booklets have arrived

Most Used Forms





Use Schedule 1 if you have additional income such as unemployment compensation, rent and royalty income, or gambling winnings or to report adjustments to income such as student loan interest payments, self-employment taxes, or educator expenses.

Use Schedule 2 if you owe other taxes such as self-employment taxes, household employee taxes, or alternative minimum tax (AMT); if you received distributions or made excess contributions to certain retirement plans or tax-favored accounts; or if you need to repay excess advance premium tax credit.

Use Schedule 3 if you can claim credits not listed on Form 1040 or 1040 SR such as the Foreign Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, or Credit for the Elderly or Disabled or for reporting other taxes you might have paid such as amounts paid with an extension request or excess Social Security tax withheld.