Friends of SPL

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Hello...Thanks for stopping by the Friend's page. We welcome you and would like to tell you a little about us. The Friends exist because we love the Library and what it provides for all of us, and we're glad to be able to help with and sponsor a lot of what happens at the Library. The Sandwich Public Library is the heart of our community and we strive to support it in any way we can.

Specifically, we are involved in many activities such as author visits, book discussions, poetry, craft music, and cultural and film programs throughout the year for every age range. We purchase passes for museums and attractions on and off Cape for your use. We provide funds for furnishings, equipment, and devices that are available on loan and for use within our walls.

We need to raise funds to be able to sponsor all of this. Helping tremendously are the sale of used books and puzzles in the new Pick of the Literature Book Sale room, located on the lower level, which is now accessible by both the stairs and the elevator. Book Sale hours are:  


Tuesday - 10am to Noon 
Wednesday - 1pm to 4pm
Thursday - 1pm to 4pm
Friday - 10am to Noon
Saturday 10am to 3:30pm

As needed, we have fund-raising events (like Mini-Golf and Brews for Books) that we hope are fun for everyone. News of these events can be found in the Library's weekly newsletter, the Friends monthly newsletter, and on the Event tab on the website. Make it a point to help us keep the Library going and growing. Become a member of the Friends, and your membership dues will also help us with our mission.

We'd like to hear from you about any programs, museum passes or other activities you'd like us to consider sponsoring. We're here to provide what our patrons want, and we'd like to hear your suggestions. Contact the Friends by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or finding us on Facebook at Friends of the Sandwich Public Library.

The Board of the Friends appreciates the support and contributions from all our patrons and friends. Our web page gives you more information about our various projects. We hope you find things of interest.

If you would like to make a donation or become a member you can do that online or by sending a check to Friends of Sandwich Public Library, PO Box 490 East Sandwich, MA 02537. Please make your check payable to Friends of the Sandwich Public Library. As always, we greatly appreciate your support.


Tammy McDevitt
President of the Board

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