Friends of SPL

friends logoThe Friends of the Sandwich Public Library is an all-volunteer non-profit group of individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who share an appreciation for the resources and services of the Library, and who support, enhance and stimulate the use of them.


Yearly membership runs from October 1 through September 30 of the following year.
Annual membership is $30.

Join the Friends or renew your membership using the Jotform link below

jotform logo

Or download a form and mail it to FSPL P.O. Box 490 East Sandwich, MA 02537.

All contributions are tax deductible.

pick of the literature 01 7

Friends of the Sandwich Public Library Book Sale Resumes with New Donation Guidelines

The Friends of the Library New Book Sale Room "Pick of the Literature" is now open. 

Book Sale hours for shopping and
dropping off donations are as follows:

Tuesday - 10am to Noon 
Wednesday - 1pm to 4pm
Thursday - 1pm to 4pm
Friday - 10am to Noon
Saturday 10am to 3:30pm

Please note the following new guidelines for donations: Donations of 20 books/puzzles or less can be dropped off and reviewed if possible. All donations must be brought directly by the donor to the Book Sale Room on the lower level. Volunteers will review your donation of books and puzzles and reserve the right to refuse any donation.

The Book Sale does NOT accept CDs, DVDs, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Readers' Digest Condensed Books, or Magazines. Please do not donate books that are moldy or damaged.

Mugs and totes for website

Thank you for your cooperation and your support of the Friends of the Sandwich Public Library.


Support the Friends of the Library

Attend a Board Meeting

 Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at the library. The meetings begin promptly at 10 a.m. and are open to the public.



 Volunteers are accepted and appreciated to help support the many Friends activities. We have many opportunities -  book sales, bake sales, assistance with programs/events, fund-raising, etc. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know of your interests and availability to volunteer for the Friends.
Share Your Email

 To receive updates from the Friends regarding library programs and activities, and to receive our e-newsletter, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Like Us On Facebook

Friends of the Sandwich Public Library - Click Here To Like Us


Membership fees and other monies raised by the Friends are used to sponsor and support programs, projects, and other library resources.

Please see the Who We Are/What We Do page for details.


Thank you for supporting the

Friends of the Sandwich Public Library.


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